Middle age: the period in your life when you are no longer young but have not yet become old.
Meaning, the young ones think were old and lame, but the old ones think we're young and naïve.
In real life it means we're in our busy season of life - but for the most part we've hit a groove.
We've got a lot of history and some new pain.
Most of us have done a lot of growing up and evolving
Hangovers now last 3 days. Our vision isn't what it once was, and everything seems louder.
We also have the many daily questions we ask ourselves...
Did I sleep wrong? Why does my neck hurt?
Have I eaten today?
Why does my knee hurt again?
Did I take my pills?
Why did I come in here?
Why am I so tired?
And on and on...
Have you noticed that you're holding things just a liiiiitttttle further away to read them?
You suddenly look in the mirror and you've aged overnight - there are lines on your face that weren't there before...and that damn line in your forehead is a deep sucker now, and doesn't go away!
Your grey is multiplying at what feels like a rapid rate, and you're seriously considering good walking shoes..
Our bodies look older too - hello "dad bods"!
At some point we have the realization that we're not invincible anymore, and that we need to probably start taking some vitamins and invest in a good night cream.
What. The. Hell. Happened?!?!?!?!
I swear to god we were just 20.
I mean, for the parents reading this - our kids are teenagers and that in itself is enough to BLOW your mind!
Speaking of teens... you can't understand a damn thing teens these days are saying because they speak in code LOL.
Somewhere in the whirlwind of our own growing up and becoming; Life just kind of happened.
We blinked and 20+ years flew by since we left high school.
We loved and lost, some had families, marriage, divorce, career, travel, heartbreaks, illness, setbacks.
We have some friends that have been though everything with us! History.
And new friends that don't know all our shit! Growth.
Both are necessary.
Annnnnnd then it happens, there's a trigger or some life event that makes you stop and take a step back and evaluate your entire life.
Whether you want to or not!
**Also known as the Tower card - If you've seen my tattoo you know :)
Maybe it was a loss, divorce, illness - something that shakes you up and you come out of auto pilot.
I don't think everyone needs to go through an epic, life changing midlife crisis...
I don't know the criteria for these changes, why they happen or what causes them.
Maybe its partly connected to how we've cared for ourselves and our identity over the years.
Have we shoved everything down like a beachball under water? Or have we dealt with our shit?
Some change while they are carrying on with life, subtle changes and quiet evolution.
Some need a new toy or cabin, while others overhaul their entire lives.
Some won't have one at all...lucky you!
For many, the trigger factor was Covid.
Our generation had been evolving since birth! I'm talking the 80's babies...YES YOU.
This insane digital evolution started when we were kids! We have gone from dial up to smartphones without stopping.
Everything became quicker, more available and accessible including us.
Covid forced us to STOP - literally.
A forced look at our lives, slowing down and literally just being at home.
For me, covid started some of the awakening that led to my unravelling in 2022. The realization that I'd been working myself to death for this career and doing all of things I was told you "need to do when you're an adult"
But who the hell was I?
You know what else I've learned about adulting in this journey of mine?
No one else knows what the hell is going on.!!!!
The adults we looked too as kids? They were struggling through it and winging it as best they could too!
Oh AND...
There. Are. No. Rules.
You do not have to get married, have kids, corporate job, buy the house, save money and retire.
There is WAY more out there - and none of us are the same, so how could the same "rules" apply to all of us.
There are so many ways to generate income as well these days with a million possible side hustles, jobs etc.
Just do you.....forget about the made up rules and live your most authentic and best life
My advice?
Embrace the shift into this phase.
Slow down - be in the moment, focus on the now and not the future or the past.
Love yourself - I'm serious, and don't half ass it! you need to love all of you!
Let go of control - there are only certain things we can control in our lives, so let it go and let it flow!
Take more photos - not kidding, you'll want to remember!
We're getting older after all!
Take Care!!
xo Danielle