For the past few years I've been choosing one word as my focus for the year. No more resolutions to break! Just a word that is my focus for a year.
For 2024 I've chosen SHINE.
verb (used without object),shone [shohn; especially British shon] or shined, shin·ing [shahy-ning].
to give forth or glow with light; shed or cast light.
to be bright with reflected light; glisten; sparkle. From https://www.dictionary.com
Also see:
I remember being a little girl and I was SHINEY!
If you knew me around 6 years old...you know what I mean!
I was always singing or performing, creating and innocently shining my little light for the world to see - like I was made for the stage in one way or another!
Photo: Me, sis, bro circa 1993 ish
As I got older that light began to fade...
It was not one major event that caused it, I think it was a combination of it being dimmed by different things along the way & me hiding my own light.
I learned along the way that being "too much", or different was a bad thing, so I started to hide the most beautiful parts of me. I became very anxious in social settings because I always worried about saying or doing something stupid...which would cause shame or embarrassment which I feared most.
*side note - I still have these anxieties either before or after HA!
By the time had my daughter in 2010 I stopped singing, other than when I was alone.
I tried to stay hidden in the background. I'm sure some people were able to see glimmers here and there, but overall my light was gone, well that's how it felt to me!
I realize now, that this is what I have been chasing for most of my adult life....
My light. My spark. Me.
fast fwd to 2023...
Once I began choosing myself, healing and connecting back to the authentic me - that is when my little light started to flicker again. I started listening to music all day long, painting, drawing and exploring my interests and spirituality. Most importantly I began to feel seen and heard, almost encouraged to be my shiny self <3
Now, I'm being told that I have an essence or energy about me, a glow of happiness, confidence and visible passion. Sounds sparkly to me!
Annnnyways.....I had the word SHINE on my mind for a few weeks before choosing it. Its the right word! I've done a lot of work to be sitting here writing this blog, and am feeling a pull to put myself out there and really shine my light.
So here we go! I'm SHINING!
Photo: me and hubby 2023
For 2024, this is what shining means to me…
Sharing my story, knowledge and experience
Putting myself out there - blog, podcast appearances, etc.
Living as my most authentic self
To stand out and shine
Standing in my power, unafraid of what others may think.
Filling my cup with the things that bring me joy
Being a light for others that are in darkness - a sign to keep going
I'll be bravely shining this year!
And I sure as hell won't dim my light anymore in fear, or to make others feel comfortable. This is my life to live and I've wasted too much time already!
I'm no longer the person I was before, I have so much to say, that I know will help others in their journey. I have found my purpose in advocacy, and I know that I'm meant to be here, sharing my story and inspiring others to take their own journeys.
I am in a place now where I'm ready to really shine in whatever capacity I'm meant to.
In every area of my life.
Just like the song says - this little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine <3
XO Danielle